"...Our primary focus is on the long-term physical, mental and emotional care of captive wildlife populations. ...So when we sat down to write our "Mission Statement" we looked at hundreds of examples from our larger, albeit more powerful, brethren and realized one very moving thing, WE PUT THE ANIMALS FIRST ...We strive to develop ways to apply findings, no matter how minute, to the captive wildlife species in our care in an effort to develop advanced husbandry protocols for the betterment of captive held wildlife."
So why then, is the Zoological Wildlife Conservation Center selling Egyptian fruit bats into the cruel, exotic pet trade, knowing that these animal are doomed to a miserable short existence in tiny cages. Notice the Zoological Wildlife Conservation Center is selling pregnant bats, who will likely abort or abandon their pup because of the horrific life they have been sold in to?
This is one of the ads the Zoological Wildlife Conservation Center has placed on the internet. Notice the complete lack of enrichment and lack of a sufficient place to hide in this sad photo of the bats. What happened to "...our primary focus is on the long-term physical, mental and emotional care of captive wildlife populations." ???

Of course, the Zoological Wildlife Conservation Center's ad does not contain the information that the high price paid for these bats will be wasted when the bats die, likely within the very first year.
The Zoological Wildlife Conservation Center is no better than the "Flying Fox Conservation Fund" in taking the highest dollar possible for bats at the unsuspecting buyers expense.
Also see:
Pet Bat Information
Rescue Echo (Lisa's Creatures)
Top Ten Worst Pets
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